Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hitting a Wall and Preparing for the 4th


Tuesday I hit the proverbial wall. It isn’t just 'any old' wall – it’s a huge brick wall and it’s made of pizza and wings. Ugh.

I’ve done great for the past week and a half. I haven’t ‘fallen off the wagon’ yet and I’ve been working out with my trainer at Gold’s Gym. I’ve followed the program to the letter. The weight is coming off, my clothes are fitting well and I feel great. But man, I would kill for pizza and wings from Twin Trees. Extra cheese on the pizza and extra blue cheese for the wings. I am drooling on the keyboard as I write this…

I know that everything should be in moderation and I should probably allow myself a small portion; but would I be undoing all the good I’ve done for the past 10 days? I am in desperate need of meeting with the program’s nutritionist at St. Joseph’s. I haven’t made time to do this yet and I think that’s why I’m struggling. I need balance in all aspects of this lifestyle change and I need to incorporate the nutritionist. Maybe then I will feel more satisfied after my meals and I won’t crave food like pizza. Wish me luck as I continue this journey to a healthy lifestyle. And please say a prayer that pizza and wings is somewhere in that lifestyle plan!


Had a great workout Tuesday with Beth and Tonia. We did the circuit together. I can’t begin to tell you how fun it was. We were able to talk about each other’s progress, our weaknesses, our strengths, and our goals. That alone was great, but then working out together was the icing on the cake! We are all excited and yet very nervous about tomorrow (the 4th).

Most of us will be going to picnics and family gatherings, and as you well know, where there are Americans gathering, there is always an abundance of food! There will be a lot where my husband and I are going, so I will do my best to take an overview of what is there, determine what is the healthiest, and try to limit the servings. Better to have a tiny bit of several things, than to have a lot of the “not-so-good” for you foods. As Americans, we tend to overeat, and over emphasize our personal serving sizes. This program, has helped me to recognize that I ate way too much, and what I considered a “serving” was actually much, much more. So, I will continue to work on my portions and “downsize” my plate.

I was sore from the previous exercise routine I did on Monday, but pushed myself to do some abdominal and oblique work after being on the elliptical for 30 minutes today. Then did the circuit with the girls. Found some new toys to play with, (strength training machines), so I am looking forward to going back later on this week.

Discovered that the program I am using to journal my food, also helps me to monitor my sodium and cholesterol intake. Was surprised to find out that 3 out of the past 8 days I have been on, I have gone over my sodium level, sometimes by quite a bit. Also noticed that when I did, it was from processed foods. You would be surprised how much sodium is hidden in processed meals/foods. Will be closely monitoring that now.

Hoping that you all have a wonderful, fun filled, safe, and healthy July 4th!

Healthy Blessings,


It is hard to believe that it has already been ten days. I just wanted to give everyone some words of encouragement for the holiday. Be strong and think of how much you have already accomplished. Hope everyone has a great 4th of July.

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