Tuesday, August 28, 2012

When Others See Change


Well, I have no faith in Google maps or any other internet mapping system. None of them seem to be able to find our house. So, when I thought I was running 3 miles, it was actually about 2.6. So, I added some more length to my run, and my time was 30 min, 30 seconds. So, I don’t look at this as a bad thing, but good to know that I ran a true 3 miles in 30 minutes. Not bad for a 46 yr old overweight woman! But, some day, I won’t be overweight. I will be a healthy weight, and I so look forward to that day!

Every time I run, it feels better and better. My rhythm is more regular, and I think my body is really liking this! Yesterday, I walked with my daughter and granddaughter. We walked 2 miles, and then I jogged the two miles home to my house. It only took me 23 minutes to run the 2 miles, after I had already walked 2 miles! I really love exercising. It feels so good.

I received quite a few comments yesterday when I went to the school. Most of them knew about this program and have been my cheerleaders. It feels so good to know that others can see the change. It’s a validation for all our hard work!

Tomorrow, I will be going to see my primary doctor. It is frustrating to have to go to the doctors just to have your prescription refilled, but we have to do what insurance asks. I actually look forward to it, because I have not seen him in a year, and he is not aware of my participation in the BetterU program, and I can’t wait to see his reaction to my weight loss! He was the physician who had encouraged me for the past two years to lose weight and lower my cholesterol. I know he will be very happy with the changes, and I look forward to sharing my numbers at the end of this program. I am very curious to know just how much my numbers have changed!

Today, hopefully my mother will be discharged, and maybe, I will be a great Aunt again! My nephew and his fiance’ are having a baby. Life is so good!

Hope your life is full of joys, challenges, and fulfillment!

Healthy Blessings,

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