Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Getting into the Healthy Zone


Last week I went on vacation with my family to Block Island, Rhode Island. I started each morning with an hour long walk listening to music and enjoying the sunrise. It was beautiful and relaxing. I managed to pack healthy snacks (peppers, carrot sticks, hummus... instead of the usual chips I would have brought last year) and lunches and enjoyed sitting on the beach and reading books. At night we would go out to eat and my husband and I would split a fresh seafood dinner and enjoy dessert. Yes, I did indulge in those large fresh baked tollhouse cookies topped with whipped cream. It was delicious and nice to treat myself. I got on the scale today and am the same as before vacation so I was very happy.

I have managed to loose 10 pounds but more importantly I have lost inches and am getting healthier. My BMI is now in the healthy range and also my waist measurement is down so it is no longer a risk factor for me any more! Those were my two key areas to work on! It helps to take measurements as sometimes the scale will still be the same but you loose inches and it is such a great feeling. This helps not get discouraged if the scale is stuck but inches are down.

I am doing over 20,000 steps a day on my work out days and mixing up my cardio routines so my body keeps losing weight. I am switching machines every 6 days and that has helped me break thru the plateau I was on. :)

Tomorrow I will be celebrating getting into the healthy zone at Wayne Mahar's weather deck party with some of my friends. Thank you Wayne Mahar for selecting me for this prize! I am so excited to celebrate with my friends and thank them for all the encouragement during this process.

I am so thankful to be in this program and all the changes it has done for me and my family. We are all making better food choices and getting healthier.

Getting healthier one step at a time...

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