Monday, August 20, 2012

Balancing Life


Friday was a complete washout in terms of exercise. I didn’t even get out of my nightgown! I did some housework, but I just did not have any energy. I was exhausted mentally, emotionally, and physically. I did not move much at all yesterday, and was strangely hungry. I barely was able to keep my calorie intake within range, but luckily, I was able to not go over on calories. I did however go a little over on fat and protein.

Saturday, I found my energy again, and was able to run. I did GREAT! I “jogged” the whole 3.2 miles! I kept a slow steady pace, but did not have to stop and walk at all! It is a very slow jogging pace, but it kept me moving the whole time. Now, that I found a comfortable pace, I will keep trying to improve on my time. My time was over from before, but that was because I was “running” previously. My time was 30 min. and 5 seconds. It felt so good to be exercising again!

I went to go visit my mother again on Saturday and Sunday. She is doing better in some cases, although had another setback Friday evening in regards to her cardiovascular status. So, next week, will be going every other day to see her, and continue to balance my life between watching over my mother’s health status, and improving mine.

Sunday, was able to do the yardwork I had needed to do for the past week and a half. Felt good to be working my muscles, as well as being productive and accomplishing a task. Went to dinner with my Aunt and Uncle, sisters, brother-in-law, husband, and niece. Went to Friendly’s and ordered the ginger chicken stir fry. It was delicious and only 530 calories. I had plenty of calories left over from the day, having exercised, that I even got to have ice cream. I was joking about it to my niece and told her that I am usually allowed to moan with my joy foods, but didn’t as I didn’t think it was appropriate out in public. Tee hee. I did go over in protein, carbs, and sodium, but still was able to stay below the calorie range.

Hoping you are balancing your life also, and taking the time out to care for yourself as well as others.

Healthy Blessings,

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