Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Looking Back on Day 1

Three participants share stories from their first day of the BetterU Challenge.

Day one is almost coming to an end. I met with Nam this afternoon and had my first workout. It really kicked my butt. Thankfully I had Tacora to do it with me so didn't feel alone. I have also started keeping track on what I am eating. My goal for caloric intake is to be no more than 1200/day. I honestly don't know how I can do that. But I guess I will find out. I did throw out all the "junk" (cookies, candy, etc) from my pantry yesterday. First step in the right direction.

Choices & Yoga is not for wimps!
Wow, what a day! First thing this morning, I met with my personal trainer Sonya. I did “the circuit” 3 times. It is a series of 8 machines that work both your upper and lower body. I also got to jog around their small indoor track twice. Hadn’t “jogged” in years! But I did it! Couldn’t believe how hard it was at times, but appreciated having Sonya there, making sure I was doing everything correctly, and encouraging me to continue, even when it was getting tough.

Because I live quite a ways away from the gym, I have decided to focus two or three types of exercise on the days I go to Gold’s. Not so sure if that is going to be such a good idea, as I was quite sore today. Did spinning class with Anna and her daughter (it was awesome to work out with someone), and centergy (yoga) class after doing the circuit. My knees were yelling at me by the time I was done, but felt great that I had accomplished so much. Spinning is fun, but very hard work! And let me tell you, Yoga is not for wimps! It takes a lot of strength and balance to do those moves! Felt like a whale out of the water, but the instructor was so sweet, and encouraged me to return, as I will improve with practice. Practice makes, well... not perfect.. but more balanced.

I felt so good about my eating choices today. Before this program, I would have taken the canned chicken breast that I opened and mixed it with mayonnaise and slapped in between two slices of white bread. Not today, I sprinkled it on my salad instead.

Instead of ranch dressing, I chose Italian. These may seem like little insignificant choices, but they make a huge difference!

I also increased my water intake.
Not bad for my first day.

Hoping that I can maintain this momentum. I will be going back tomorrow to do the sculpting class with Anna. It’s wonderful having a partner to cheer you on, and encourage you! And you feel more motivated when you encourage another.

Hope as you are reading this, you are thinking about what you need to change today. Even if it is just a matter of changing 1 thing, you have made a positive start to your new heart healthy life!

Healthy Blessings,

Jacklin Anderson:

My first day of Better U is almost over and went great! I woke up very motivated to make some positive health changes in my life. It has been wonderful emailing with all of the other participants because it helps encourage me to eat well and work out. I went to the gym after work today and ran/walked on the  treadmill then I met with Deb, the personal trainer at Gold's Gym for our initial session. I added some of my fellow participants on the my fitness pal app on my iPhone and I think that will be helpful as it holds me more accountable to actually log what I am eating and how much I am working out daily. I usually tend to only do it for a couple of days then stop for a week and maybe log for a day and so on... Staying motivated is always my biggest challenge so that is what I am really trying to work on! 

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