Monday, July 16, 2012

A Successful Weekend


Friday: I lost another pound! Total thus far is 8 pounds. I seem to be losing less and less each week. But, a 1-2 pound weekly weight loss is a healthy weight loss! I have to keep reiterating that to myself. I wore my pedometer while exercising at Planet Fitness today, and by the end of the day, I totaled over 15,000 steps, but that is while wearing it during exercise.

Saturday: Went bicycling in Munnsville, on Rte. 46. I told my husband to never let me do that again on a hot day without water! I did fairly well, I went to the park at the S curves (about 2.4 miles) and turned around, and realized that even though there are lots of hills, and I was up and down, it actually goes more on an incline on the way back than away from the house. I got really tired, and went about another mile, mile and a half, and just had to get off and walk about 3/4 of a mile, until I could catch my breath. I recognized that I was pushing my heart a little too much, and didn’t want to pass out while riding (don’t worry, I was wearing my helmet). That would not have been good. My lips were so chapped I thought they would crack, and was so thirsty! I had forgotten to take my water with me. Bad mistake, one that I will not make again! I came home and drank almost a whole 24 oz bottle of water! Helped me to reach my goal of 8 glasses of water/day though. I ate pizza today! I had such a craving for pizza, that we went and got a Three Meat pizza from Little Caesars. I only had 2 pieces. Before this challenge, I would have had 4 slices. Now that I know how many calories are in one slice, I will stick to two yummy tasting pieces at one setting. See, you really can have what you like, without going hungry or having severe binging, you just have to limit how much you have at one setting. (My other two pieces are in the frig, waiting for me to eat them some time later). I even stayed within my caloric intake! Thanks to my exercise!

Now, for something that almost brought me to tears. In January, I had a couple pairs of size 14 jeans that I bought a long time ago, that I couldn't fit into, I couldn't even pull them closed to button or zip them. Well.... I tried them on, and guess what.... you got it, I COULD BUTTON AND ZIP THEM!! They are still too snug to wear comfortably all day, but I am hoping in a couple of weeks, I will be telling you how I can finally wear them! It was so exciting that I was almost in tears! Thank you AHA!. And to top off my very fantastic Saturday, I made 10,000 steps without wearing it during exercise! It was all just walking during the day. It was the best Saturday I have had in a long time!

Sunday: I designated that today would definitely be a day of rest, for a couple of reasons. 1) You really truly need to rest your muscles to let them heal, so you don't do damage. 2) I think that Friday I did something to my back using the ab machines, because my lower back was aching pretty bad. Didn't help when I had my granddaughter, holding her on my hip, made my back ache more, but it was worth it. I have been so busy with this program that I haven't seen her much, and she is one of my main reasons for doing this. So, hopefully I will be able to exercise hard on Monday. Even though my husband and I walked around Lowe's (walking in stores is a great way to exercise, so long as you have the strength to keep your wallet in your purse), and I did a lot of walking in the house, and with my granddaughter, I didn't make my 10,000 steps. I was between 8 and 9,000. But that is ok, kept my calories less than my daily goal, and got to spend time with family, so all in all, it was a good day, and a great weekend.

Hoping you all had a successful weekend too!

Healthy Blessings,

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