Thursday, August 30, 2012

Walking With a View


No Beth, I don’t think any girl is comfortable in a bathing suit! I know that I will need to buy a new bathing suit next year, because mine will definitely be way too big by next summer. I might even splurge and get a bikini next year, who knows? If we keep working hard at being healthier, our bodies will not only feel good, but look great!

Yesterday was very cool. I went to the doctors, and he was just tickled by the weight loss, and was so excited about the changes. He is looking forward to seeing my numbers. I will be going back to him in October to see if they have improved even more, so I should have even better numbers by the luncheon on Nov. 1st! My blood pressure had been increasing, and when I went to see the St. Joseph’s cardiologist Dr. Igbal, my blood pressure was in the 130’s systolic. Even thought that is not considered Hypertension, it was pretty close to the line of 140/90. 130’s systolic was high for me. Yesterday, it was 118/78! Now that’s more like it!

I walked 4.4 miles yesterday. I was planning on going to the gym, but the weather, and the clear blue sky was just calling my name! I was not going to waste a perfect day inside. So, Laddie (my dog) and I went for a walk in my “neighborhood”. I can’t wait until the Fall, it is going to be a spectacular walk! My calves are very tight and sore, so I am going to attempt to get to the gym today to do some exercising on the machines, so that I don’t stress my calf muscles and get hurt again. I think it is from walking and jogging on the hard pavement. But the view makes it so worthwhile! Not to mention the onlookers. We had a few cows and goats greet us as we were walking. They brought joy and laughter. You can’t get that at a gym!

Please don’t think that I am putting down the use of gyms. I just prefer to do my exercising outside while the weather is beautiful. Gyms are fantastic to get good strength workouts, to network, get support, and full body workouts that you can’t get by just walking or running. What I love about this program, is, you have choices. You don’t have to follow strict guidelines. You find what works for you, and do it. Just like your journey, you need to find what motivates you. I prefer to exercise outside, that is my choice. But, if I want to, I have the choice to go to the gym, when it is right for me. What do YOU like to do? Whatever it is, go and do it! Go to the gym, go for a bike ride, go for a walk, exercise in the privacy of your own home. The bottom line is to just get going!
Healthy Blessings,

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