Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Inspiration, Challenges, and Working Out

Well, I made it through another day. When I was doing the elliptical, I saw another of our participants, Beth, training on the circuit with Sonya. It was nice to spend a little bit of time talking with her, and hearing how she is doing. Anna and I went to sculpt class together. Exercising with someone else, really truly helps you. Knowing someone else was there, encouraged me to tough it out, even when I thought I couldn’t hold my leg up one more second, I did, because I had a friend with me, encouraging and inspiring me. Thanks Anna!

I did really well with my exercising, did 30 minutes on the elliptical, 30 min on the recumbent bike, then 60 minutes in the sculpt class. Feeling the effects now of so much intensive work, but grateful to be sore! I won’t be going to the gym tomorrow, will be at home doing hours of yard work. So grateful to have a real mower, I will be doing cardio just going around and up and down the hills pushing it. Also will be weed eating. Get a lot of arm work with that. Even though I will be doing yard work, my muscles will get a small break from the intensive gym work, which is important. Exercising is great, but I have learned that it is important to allow your muscles to rest, so that they can recuperate and rebuild.

The one challenge I have been dealing with since yesterday is my diet. I have cut back considerably on my eating now that I am journaling what I eat. I have to stay within a certain calorie range, and it is tough. But so far, so good. I am trying very hard to intake less calories than I burn, so that I can lose weight. It has been tough these past 36 hours, because hunger has been an issue. Trying to find snacks and foods that are high in calories, but low in fat and carbs is not easy. Looking forward to working with the dietician, so that I can manage this better, and find foods that will help fill me up without loading up on fat and carbs. I realize that I have eaten way too much for years. Our society has a skewed concept of portion and serving size. This is going to be a difficult learning process. My mind seems to understand, but my poor tummy doesn’t. Even after a wonderful dinner, I still feel hungry. I know that this will eventually change, and my stomach will adjust, once my body understands that this is a permanent change from all these years of overeating.

So grateful for my support system, without them, this would be so much more difficult. Thanks ladies!

Remember, more fruits and vegetables, less carbs and fats. Keep up the good work!

Healthy Blessings,

Today was a very busy day for me at work, but it didn't stop me from keeping up a journal of everything I consumed. I think I did pretty good. No workout at the gym today, but I did enjoy a brisk 2 mile walk around Onondaga Park with my daughter and best friend.

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